ASUCLA, the Associated Students UCLA, was created when UCLA first opened its doors back in 1919. Even in the very early years, ASUCLA meant student government, student publications, and student services such as a bookstore and cafeteria. Today, ASUCLA has evolved into a four-part organization. These four entities of ASUCLA collectively make up the largest student association in the country.
Undergraduate Students Association
or USA, are the elected representatives of over 28,000 undergraduate students.
Graduate Students Association
or GSA, provides a voice in campus affairs for over 13,000 graduate students enrolled at UCLA.
Student Media
at UCLA includes the Daily Bruin, UCLARadio.com, the Bruin Life Yearbook, and seven newsmagazines: Fem, La Gente, Nommo, Ha’Am, Pacific Ties, Al-Talib, OutWrite.
Student-Run Enterprises
are designed to meet the everyday needs of students and the campus community. Major divisions are the Student Union, Event Services, UCLA Restaurants, UCLA Store, UCLA Photography, and Trademarks & Licensing.