UCLA Trademarks & Licensing Talks Social Sustainability Progress at Conference in Washington
LOS ANGELES – Nov. 7, 2019 – UCLA Trademarks & Licensing, an enterprise of ASUCLA, recently traveled to Spokane, Wash., for The Association for the Advancement of the Sustainability in Higher Education (AASHE) Conference & Expo. At the conference, UCLA Trademarks & Licensing Director Cynthia Holmes and Director of Ethical Labor & Sustainability Liz Kennedy delivered a presentation about social sustainability progress.
The presentation taught AASHE conference attendees about a scorecard system UCLA Trademarks & Licensing uses to award renewal agreements to licensees who demonstrate greater levels of compliance-ready management systems and best practices.
Since 2010, UCLA Trademarks & Licensing has used a survey tool to measure licensees’ readiness and progress on key metrics, including transparency, risk, mitigation, and purchasing practices. Results are scored and used to select companies to receive new or renewed license contracts. By comparing a licensee’s scorecard results from year to year, UCLA can make more informed decisions about which licensees to continue work with, going forward.
“Collegiate licensees’ levels of willingness to implement ethical labor practices throughout their supply chains is a priority consideration for UCLA in selecting its trademark licensees,” said Cynthia Holmes. “UCLA Trademarks & Licensing is humble to share how we evaluate licensees, with the goal of creating a stronger culture of sustainability in collegiate licensing.”