Random Acts of Kindness day with UCLA

Photo of volunteers of the UCLA Volunteer Center, from the UCLA Volunteer Center and Jeffrey Hwang

According to the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation, Random Acts of Kindness Day (RAK Day) is celebrated on Feb. 17. There is also a RAK Week, between Feb. 9 and Feb. 15, and World Kindness Day celebrated on Nov. 13. Though there are commemorated days and weeks to celebrate kindness across the globe, there are many ways to continue to spread kindness no matter what time of year within your community!

To learn how you can spread kindness through volunteering, advocacy or wellness programs, keep reading!

ASUCLA reached out to a handful of the wellness and community service organizations on campus. The following information was provided by those who have responded; however, this is not an exhaustive list of UCLA health and wellness, community service or volunteer organizations. 

Spread kindness by volunteering at the UCLA Volunteer Center

Photo of volunteers, from the UCLA Volunteer Center and Jeffrey Hwang

The UCLA Volunteer Center, part of the Student Affairs division and Residential Life, “coordinates service activities on campus and throughout Greater Los Angeles to inspire members of the extended UCLA family to give of their time and talent,” said Jeffrey Hwang, Program Coordinator, UCLA Volunteer Center. “We facilitate many programs throughout the year, such as the annual UCLA Volunteer Day, the Fall Harvest Feast, the Nonprofit Networking Night and the Volunteer Appreciation Week.” For more on the center’s activities and programs, click here

Jeffrey Hwang continues, “As part of the Bruin Relief Initiative, we have created volunteer events with organizations who are providing wildfire relief,” with events throughout February and into the spring quarter. Additionally, to participate in their letter writing campaign for first responders and those affected by the fires, click here.  

If you are interested in helping the community, register for their volunteer database here

For more on service on campus or student organizations and service, visit the UCLA Volunteer Center website here. To contact, email volunteer@saonet.ucla.edu.

Spread kindness by joining a UCLA student organization

UCLA Community has student organizations dedicated to community service, health and wellness, self-improvement and service to consider. 

Photo of the clothing drive information, from the Bruin Assistance for All and Simer Bal

  • Bruin Assistance for All (BAFA): BAFA “is a non-profit student-run organization focused on uplifting under-resourced communities in Los Angeles through a variety of social services, such as nutritious meal preparation, after-school programs for at-risk youth, financial assistance and various other opportunities,” says Simer Bal, president of BAFA at UCLA. “We partner with 5 to 6 non-profit organizations across Los Angeles,” as well as host events, including an annual health fair, donation drives and more. 

To learn more, email uclabafa@gmail.com or follow @uclabafa on Instagram. Their next event is a donation drive with BruinHope on Feb. 18 and 19 between 11:00 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Bruinwalk. 

The following are other clubs that were reached out to by ASUCLA, but have not responded at the time of publication, as a way to help find an organization that best fits you. 


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